FRESH Fitness is a fitness program that incorporates basic bodyweight and lightweight exercises, plus dietary ideas and a relationship forum.

By participating in FRESH Fitness you agree that you are healthy and strong enough to perform basic body movements using your own body weight, plus lightweight kettlebells and resistance bands of your own choosing, even to the point of checking with your doctor as to your fitness level to perform these exercises. You assume all risks of performing these exercises.

These excercises may include, but are not limited to push-ups, sit-ups of varying types, bodyweight squats, jumps, lunges, jumping jacks, and spinning.

Kettlebell and resistance band exercises may include, but are not limited to deadlifts, overhead presses, swings, stretches, extensions, rows, etc.

FRESH Fitness assumes no liability for any injuries sustained while performing these exercises. FRESH Fitness leaders are not currently Certified Personal Trainers, and all members who register and participate in FRESH Fitness have acknowledged that by signing up.

FRESH Fitness also offers dietary ideas. FRESH Fitness leaders are not licensed nutritionalists and all participants assume personal liability for trying and consuming said ideas, respective of any food allergies.

You acknowledge by participating that the daily FRESH Fitness workouts must be completed and posted online by 11:59PM on the day of the assigned workout. Failure to complete and post your workout by 11:59PM results in removal from the FRESH Fitness program and community for the remainder of the billing month and no refund is given.